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Rock Balancing


..whatever that may be for you. The mission of Grace and Efflorescence is to embrace our beautifully imperfect lives through self care, spirituality, and community. An energetic exchange of creativity and devotion to expanding ourselves. It's more than just a gift, it's a symbol.
Love for self = Love for all


Born in Omaha, Nebraska, I am a 20 something spiritual being, interested in all things meta-physical, thought-provoking, and love-spreading. My journey of self discovery sprouted into existence after a migration to southern California. It was in this space that I began to dive deep into self-introspection, the "whys", and the meanings of life. Young and independent, I was eager to dissect all that is. I was introduced to a side of myself I hadn't yet consciously tapped into. I started taking classes that were not offered at universities, attending holistic healing ceremonies, and got back into my book worm tendencies, along with many solo dates to the beach and mountains that allowed me to ground down to Mother Earth. I have since returned back to my roots in the heartland, ready to share what I have learned, and will continue to evolve as the sun and the moon dance among us. I am always willing to hear another perspective or viewpoint, as I believe the journey of the student should never end. My aspirations of G & E are to portray authentic self-expression, collaborate with others, and to heal and teach one another, evolving through life one-day at a time.

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